Tips for Your Fall Skincare Routine

Tips for Your Fall Skincare Routine

Recently, my partner texted me, “It's nice in the mornings now.” By which he was referring to the approximately 1-2 weeks of transitional weather that we get in Colorado. Obviously if you live in a more temperate climate (read as: not here), you’re probably in the middle of your seasonal transition period right about now.

Which means it’s time to remind you to switch up your skincare!

As the weather gets cooler and drier, here are our top 3 fall skincare tips:

Swap your cleansers out

Take a look at your cleansers and swap out any that might be over-drying or stripping your skin of moisture. How can you tell? If it gives you an extra squeaky clean feeling, it’s probably not the best for fall and winter. Swap in a gentler, non-foaming cleanser instead - like our Humble Powder Cleanser.

You’ll also want to ease up on any exfoliating scrubs or acid-based peels as the weather cools down.

Layer on the moisturizer

Add to your moisturizing routine - this might mean swapping out lighter moisturizers for heavier ones or adding in another moisturizing step. You don’t have to be limited by a single moisturizer, and can layer on multiple serums or moisturizers - especially at night.

Personally, I use our Face Balms during colder and drier months, so I can get a slightly heavier consistency which helps my skin retain moisture and stay nice and smooth.

Keep up the sun protection

Just because the days are getting shorter and the sun sets earlier, doesn’t mean that you can slack on sun protection! Harmful UVA & UVB rays can damage your skin year-round.

Use sunscreen and reapply throughout the day, and make sure to use sun protection gear like UPF rated jackets and hats when you’re outside.


And, in the spirit of sustainability, make sure you use up the products you have before purchasing more. If your lighter summer skincare products have a long shelf-life, save them for springtime. If not, try to use them up now - whether it’s on your face or your body!

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