September 2021 Newsletter: Building healthy skincare habits

September 2021 Newsletter: Building healthy skincare habits

It's pretty widely accepted that skincare is self-care. But in my opinion, it should also be considered part of your healthcare, too. After all, your skin is your body's largest organ. As part of the integumentary system (which also includes your nails, oil & sweat glands), your skin has an important job: being the physical barrier between the outside of your body and well, your insides. So, taking care of your skin is important.

But how do you actually take care of your skin? 

The obvious answer is to build healthy skincare habits. Some of these habits include:

  • Removing makeup and sunscreen before you go to sleep
  • Gently cleansing your skin 1-2x a day 
  • Using sun protection daily
  • Deeply cleansing and moisturizing once a week or once every other week

I may be preaching to the choir here, but after chatting to quite a few of you at events over the last few months, it seems like everyone struggles with keeping up these habits and turning them into truly effective skincare routines! So without further ado, here are my tips for building those healthy skincare habits:

Set a reminder

There's no shame in setting an alarm or adding your skincare habits to your to-do list, so that you remember them. Think of these as a gift from "past" you to "future" you. (I can also help by sending you clay mask reminders - sign up here!)

Create a dedicated time and space

Having a dedicated time and space for habits can help you focus on the habit in question. Got a specific product routine you want to get into? Set aside a specific time - whether it's the same time every day or once a week - and put out your products in the order you want to use them in. Not only will this spruce up your bathroom sink or vanity area, it'll help you remember your habit and build routine.

Get an accountabili-buddy

Ask a good friend to help keep you accountable to your new habits! Check in with them regularly to make sure you're staying on track, and ask them to call you out (gently, of course) when you start deviating from your plans.

Track your progress

Remember those little star charts you used to fill out in elementary school? Why not use something similar to track your progress towards building a new healthy skincare habit? Or simplify it by keeping track in a journal or on your calendar. You'll be able to see how far you've come and reward yourself for a job well done.

Big news: Chuan Skincare IRL! 

This past Friday, I launched my second brick and mortar retailer!

Eclectic CO. is a cooperative retail space that provides support, education and community to makers. They support local artisans (like yours truly!), healthy local economies, and social impact enterprises to promote social justice and environmental improvement. As I learned more, it became clear that we are extremely aligned in our values and business practices, so I'm very excited to be working with them.

You can now find Chuan Skincare products in the Eclectic CO. Littleton store in Aspen Grove. The address is: 7301 S Santa Fe Drive, #518, Littleton, CO 80120. The store is next to Yankee Candle and across from Alamo Drafthouse. 

You can follow the Eclectic Littleton shop on Instagram at @eclecticlittleton._ and catch me there every other week. I *highly* recommend shopping here for your holiday gifts, since there are over 50 different makers represented! 

And, if there are any other stores you think I should partner with or can connect me to, please let me know. 

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